Music by Andrew Huggett. “Who’s Afraid of Happy Endings?” is a witty and revealing documentary that offers an insider’s view of the billion-dollar romance fiction industry. “Who’s Afraid of Happy Endings?” follows the stories of three Canadian romance writers trying to make it big in this extremely competitive world: Kelly Boyce – an aspiring writer is hungry to sell her first book at a major industry conference. Kathryn Smith – an historical romance author, made a leap to the “dark side” of paranormal romance to stand out in a competitive marketplace. Kayla Perrin – a contemporary romance author is eager to break out of the smaller African American market and into the mainstream with a swing to the “steamier side” of erotica. Whisking us to the heart of the romance publishing centres in Toronto and New York to the whirlwind of a romance writers’ conference in Reno, “Who’s Afraid of Happy Endings?” features interviews with some of the biggest superstars of the romance world.